Many people wonder if there is an effective way to make money from home. Many websites that proclaim instant earnings or high salaries from home are costly or fraudulent. However, one legitimate method of making extra income from your home is affiliate marketing, and all you really need is some time and a computer.
Affiliate marketing pays either by issuing a commission, or through a recurring fee, agreed upon in the beginning of the undertaking. The payment scale and method of pay vary depending on the agreement. A relationship is formed between a merchant and an affiliate, where the affiliate is paid based on how much traffic they can bring to the merchant's website. If an affiliate produces a lead or new sales for the company, they are compensated by the merchant for their efforts.
The majority of merchants offer a one-time commission for all future leads or sales that the affiliate brings to the company. This commission can be as high as 75% or as low as 5%. Some affiliate programs grant a small, fixed fee for each click that the affiliate brings to the merchant's website. The later program is beneficial because it does not require a purchase to be made on the site in order for payment to be received.
An alternate payment system that some affiliate programs choose to use is a residual income program. This program will provide the affiliate with reoccurring income ranging from between 5-50% of the sales made through the affiliate. This allows a person to be paid based on the amount of work they do, which occasionally leads to a higher income. It also promises the opportunity for multiple payments, an attractive option for many. The drawback is that this income is not guaranteed in the way that a commission is. Often, a high paying one-time commission far exceeds the initial payment from a recurring income program.
For example, let's suppose that two merchants are beginning an affiliate program. One offers a $100 commission, and the other is offering $20 per sale. It is tempting to sign up for the single, higher commission, but the second option has long-term viability. Even if the affiliate only makes $20 a month, in six months they will have exceeded that original, one-time commission of $100. The marketing efforts are not in any way lessened by choosing the first option, either. The amount of work involved in either endeavor is equal. However, with the second option, a person can secure a future income by building a loyal clientele, which can provide years of future income.
Personal choice is a big part of choosing the affiliate program that is right for you, but keep in mind that there is usually more money to be made in a residual income affiliate program. Don't take these opportunities of making money from home for granted!
Irene Rexlee is an Online Business Marketers. The co-founder of DTM CDT International & GBBCorp who have built a huge network in a few short months. For recommended resources, visit and receive your FREE ebook on way to build large network marketing downline, Click
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